High RAM usage for May 15th release

9c32cd4 looks good. It’s been running smoothly for the past eight hours, plotting 6 farms with 30GB of RAM

Thanks. I’ll include it in the next release and hope one day we’ll figure out the root cause of it.

Workaround shipped in Release gemini-3h-2024-jun-11 · subspace/subspace · GitHub


@wudung does jun-11 release work well for you? High memory usage for June 11th release and some users on Discord are still saying they see high memory usage on Windows, so I wanted to check if something between test builds and release has changed or they have a different issue altogether.

I am not seeing any issue with the jun-11 release for farming. For 83TB the memory usage around 40-50GB

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What about plotting though, I think that is when it was happening.

I haven’t tried plotting yet. I will try it today.

I am not seeing the memory issue when plotting with the june-11 release.

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