Cannot find piece cache metrics in Grafana Dashboard with Jul-16

One of the change in subspace farmer Jul-16 release is:
- piece cache metrics

But the grafana dashboard is exactly as before when I upgraded to Jun-16. Only node and farmer metrics there, without piece cache related information.

Grafana dashboard is not official, so there are no guarantees as to what and how is shown there. Latest software release exposes those metrics and if you’re ingesting it into Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics database then it is stored, just not shown in dashboard.

You should see subspace_farmer_disk_piece_cache metrics with labels for each farm/piece cache (depending on what you’re running), try Explore page in Grafana to see what it looks like, but as to the charts themselves you may need to add them yourself.

BTW if you end up creating a nice dashboard for the protocol, please share it on Grafana dashboards | Grafana Labs

Jul-16, Grafana Dashboard, all the farmer info, such as
Sector downloaded Total, Sectors plotted Total and farm plot percentage display “No Data”.
Jul-05 is working fine.

Keys have changed in the latest release, dashboard needs to be updated accordingly

There is no official Grafana dashboard. Unofficial ones are community efforts and PRs are welcome.