Community Update: Introducing Our Galxe Initiative!

:tada: We’re excited to announce our collaboration with Galxe!

The goal of this initiative is to provide new ways to get involved with Subspace and learn more about everything we’re working on, all while earning rewards for participating!

:rocket: What’s in Our First Galxe Campaign?

Throughout our first Galxe campaign, anyone will be able to participate and complete various tasks to earn points and our first On-Chain Achievement Tokens (OAT).

Some of the tasks include:

  1. Watching educational content about Subspace Network
  2. Joining our community channels
  3. Engaging with us on social media
  4. Participating in our New Ambassador Cohort

Learn about Subspace! by Subspace Network | Galxe

:star2: What’s Galxe OAT?

Galxe OAT is a NFT infrastructure for recognizing and distributing community achievement via on-chain badges.

These tokens represent your accomplishments and early community engagement. In the future, you will be able to participate and collect multiple OATs throughout the various Galxe campaigns. :eyes:

We’re thrilled to begin this new campaign and can’t wait to engage with you in new and exciting ways!

More info can be found here: Galxe OAT (On-chain Achievement Token) - Galxe Docs

:busts_in_silhouette: Get Involved & Share Your Thoughts:

We’re extremely excited to start this new campaign and engage with you all in a brand new way.

Get started with the Subspace community today and let’s shape the future together! As always, we welcome feedback and invite you to help us tailor this journey together. :speech_balloon:


Wow, great news! Can’t wait to take part in this campaign :slight_smile:

great job! i have participated in the 3g test net!

Ryan-Subspace via Subspace Forum <> 于2023年12月20日周三 12:10写道:

Does the reward for this plan include TSSC?

No, it does not include TSSC as a reward.