Error (or false error) with Dec 18-2 ver

I got the following warning error with the latest release. I’m sure I have only 1 farmer instance open. Tried many times, got same warning message.

Replotting and farming seems normal though.

E:\>subspace-farmer3g_18Dec.exe farm path=E:\1,size=1750G path=G:\1,size=2000G --farm-during-initial-plotting --plotting-thread-pool-size 6 --in-connections 16 --out-connections 16 --node-rpc-url ws:// --listen-on /ip4/ --listen-on /ip4/ --reward-address st6bf1gCkUszz48jBMcdr6ur1Xs4R2hghiTGNhT7UZoSS5Ue2
2023-12-22T04:03:12.747301Z  INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Connecting to node RPC url=ws://
2023-12-22T04:03:12.752921Z  INFO subspace_networking::constructor: DSN instance configured. allow_non_global_addresses_in_dht=false peer_id=12D3KooWLxJDG7Z2DuhiSnsjPjiqbsartQsuUs2utKW1dF19U8o3 protocol_version=/subspace/2/418040fc282f5e5ddd432c46d05297636f6f75ce68d66499ff4cbda69ccd180b
2023-12-22T04:03:12.756116Z  INFO libp2p_swarm: local_peer_id=12D3KooWLxJDG7Z2DuhiSnsjPjiqbsartQsuUs2utKW1dF19U8o3
Single disk farm 0:
  Directory: E:\1
  Failed to open farm info: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. (os error 33)
Single disk farm 1:
  Directory: G:\1
  Failed to open farm info: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. (os error 33)
2023-12-22T04:03:13.452038Z  INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Collecting already plotted pieces (this will take some time)...
2023-12-22T04:03:13.452066Z  INFO subspace_farmer::piece_cache: Initializing piece cache
2023-12-22T04:03:14.093832Z  INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Finished collecting already plotted pieces successfully
2023-12-22T04:03:14.094455Z  INFO single_disk_farm{disk_farm_index=0}: subspace_farmer::single_disk_farm::farming: Subscribing to slot info notifications
2023-12-22T04:03:14.094607Z  INFO single_disk_farm{disk_farm_index=0}: subspace_farmer::reward_signing: Subscribing to reward signing notifications
2023-12-22T04:03:14.094717Z  INFO single_disk_farm{disk_farm_index=1}: subspace_farmer::single_disk_farm::farming: Subscribing to slot info notifications
2023-12-22T04:03:14.094807Z  INFO single_disk_farm{disk_farm_index=1}: subspace_farmer::reward_signing: Subscribing to reward signing notifications

Hey @dragonP, we are aware of this issue and discussed it on the last Farmer Office Hours. There is a fix that will be in the next release but there is a workaround which is to add the --no-info flag to your farmer start command.

Thank you Jim. It looks like it’s just a false warning log, actually the instance still can access the plot file. So I’ll just let it run.

dec-20 release fixed it