Error syncing block

Issue Report


  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3f-2023-oct-06
  • subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-skylake-gemini-3f-2023-oct-06


infinite block synchronization

2023-10-19 04:27:45 [Consensus] 💔 Error importing block 0xa237e944cd40fdc407ec3189cb186eda26b97059d8c531abd9b53879707d74f5: block has an unknown parent    
2023-10-19 04:27:49 [Consensus] 💔 Error importing block 0xb3ad37db1bcbd7631a4587e74a14e738df02ad7b6cef400e0cfded5cebacec91: block has an unknown parent    
2023-10-19 04:36:27 [Consensus] ✨ Imported #878575 (0x3ae1…4764)    
2023-10-19 04:36:27 [Consensus] ⚙️  Syncing  0.0 bps, target=#925773 (40 peers), best: #878575 (0x3ae1…4764), finalized #778394 (0x8477…9631), ⬇ 52.6kiB/s ⬆ 12.1kiB/s    
2023-10-19 04:36:32 [Consensus] ⚙️  Syncing  0.0 bps, target=#925773 (40 peers), best: #878575 (0x3ae1…4764), finalized #778394 (0x8477…9631), ⬇ 38.2kiB/s ⬆ 3.9kiB/s  

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I think you might have hit Node can't sync with the network · Issue #493 · paritytech/polkadot-sdk · GitHub, next version of Gemini 3 should contain a fix for this, until then I’m afraid you’ll have to wipe the node if restart doesn’t help.

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