Error: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: services.node.volume

I am attempting to start the node and farmer with docker.

Here is my Docker Compose file

version: "3.7"
    # Replace snapshot-DATE with latest release (like snapshot-2022-apr-29)
    volumes: /home/subspace
# Instead of specifying volume (which will store data in /var/lib/docker), you can
# alternatively specify path to the directory where files will be stored, just make
# sure everyone is allowed to write there
#      - /path/to/subspace-node:/var/subspace:rw
# If port 30333 is already occupied by another Substrate-based node, replace all
# occurrences of 30333 in this file with another value
      - ""
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: [
      "--chain", "testnet",
      "--base-path", "/var/subspace",
      "--execution", "wasm",
      "--pruning", "1024",
      "--keep-blocks", "1024",
      "--port", "30333",
      "--rpc-cors", "all",
      "--rpc-methods", "safe",
# Replace INSERT_YOUR_ID with your node ID (will be shown in telemetry)
      "--name", "[REDACTED]"
      timeout: 5s
# If node setup takes longer then expected, you want to increase interval and retries number.
      interval: 30s
      retries: 5

        condition: service_healthy
# Replace snapshot-DATE with latest release (like snapshot-2022-apr-29)
# Un-comment following 2 lines to unlock farmer's RPC
#    ports:
#      - ""
# Instead of specifying volume (which will store data in /var/lib/docker), you can
# alternatively specify path to the directory where files will be stored, just make
# sure everyone is allowed to write there
    volumes: /home/subspace
      - /home/subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-snapshot-2022-may-03:/var/subspace:rw
#      - /path/to/subspace-farmer:/var/subspace:rw
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: [
      "--custom-path", "/var/subspace",
      "--node-rpc-url", "ws://node:9944",
      "--ws-server-listen-addr", "",
# Replace WALLET_ADDRESS with your Polkadot.js wallet address
      "--reward-address", "[REDACTED]",
# Replace PLOT_SIZE with plot size in gigabytes or terabytes, for instance 100G or 2T (but leave at least 10G >
      "--plot-size", "30G"

Here is the Error:

Error: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: services.node.volumes contains an invalid type, it should be an array
services.farmer.depends_on contains an invalid type, it should be an array

it looks like you have specified the actual node binary on line 10 (above where the example says /path/to/subspace-node ) Looks like there is a wording confusion, it appears that you provided the literal path to a node binary itself, what the line actually means is to specify the folder in which you want the node data stored, not the location of the node binary you downloaded for the CLI setup you did earlier. Does that make sense?