FAQ Gemini Phase 3d

Q: Which ports Subspace node use?

30333 and 30433 for node
30533 for farmer

Q: Minimal hardware requirements?

CPU: 4 cores
RAM: 4 gb (8gb recommended)
SWAP: 4gb
Storage: 100gb (for small plot size (1-10gb))

Q: What size is will be for fully synchronized node? Linux
It depends of plot size and in common 100gb storage enough for plot size < 50gb. UPD: now subspace-cli version use more disk space thank advanced version (will be fixed)

Q: How long will the Gemini 3d Non-Incentivized Stress Test running?

Q: Current network will be reset ?

Q: How to check my rewards ?
1) Please check this answer-topic https://forum.autonomys.xyz/t/how-to-check-for-rewards-on-the-subspace-network/1374 2) also Subspace wallet extension may help you

Q: Why my node syncing so slow(0-0.5bps)
In this situation it's normal (sync speed can change). We try to improve stability and sync speed now

Q: I have received and error. What should I do?
Please check maybe your error was mentioned by other user (forum or discord). If not then please prepare your node information (cpu/ram/storage ) and collect logs -> make topic(forum) or thread(discord)

Q: Itā€™s Incentivized testnet phase?
Nope. Gemini 3d Non-Incentivized but you can help improove stability and gain experience before incentivized phase

Q: I would like to change my plot size. What should I do?
You need to wipe your plots and re-init farmer.

Popular errors:

socket error: decode error: i/o error: Broken pipe (os error 32)
annoying but not critical

Error while dialing /dns/telemetry.subspace.network/tcp/443/x-parity-wss/%2Fsubmit%2F: Custom { kind: Other, error: Timeout }
annoying but not critical

Couldnā€™t get a piece from DSN
annoying but not critical

unexpected end of file
annoying but not critical

DB saving error
please cheсk your free space (df -h)

P.S. useful links
GitHub official project subspace Ā· GitHub
Official guide to setup: Get Started with Farming | Farm from Anywhere
Telemetry Gemini 3c: Subspace Telemetry
Official forum: you are here :slight_smile:
Official YT: Subspace Network - YouTube