Farmer shows warning about "skipped due to farming time limit"

My farmer log reports the warning from time to time: “WARN {farm_index=0}: subspace_farmer::single_disk_farm::farming: Proving for solution skipped due to farming time limit …”

Hardware configuration:
Ubuntu 18.04 on arm64
None docker, self build farmer binary from source code
NFS shared directory, 1.6 TiB

What optimization can I try to win the rewards?

Either your cpu is too slow or the NFS share is too slow I would say. Do you ever win rewards?

No, did not win any rewards yet.
With current hardware, what can I do to win the rewards?

NFS simply is not good enough for subspace. You did run the benchmark result and was told about it earlier. I think you’d better stop trying for the impossible thing.

Hello DragonP, Can subspace cluster improve the prove performance in my case?

I don’t know your set up, so I can’t say. But one of the use case of cluster farming is you can plot over the network; and in the meantime, you farm locally. On other words, you can plot by one PC and farm by other PC.