Gemini Progress & Reward Start Date

Gemini Progress & Reward Start Date

We are pleased to share that nearly 1,000 nodes have fully synced with the main chain. While there are many known optimizations that can be implemented to improve the syncing process, we are seeing steady improvements. We are continuously working to improve the experience for all farmers.

As previously mentioned, we’d like to share the new start date for Gemini farming rewards. Instead of a set date and time, this time we will instead have a network progress milestone as the catalyst. Specifically, incentivized testnet rewards will start within 48 hours after 3,000 nodes are fully synced and are actively participating in the network consensus. Based on the current progress, we expect this event to occur late this week or early next, but it will ultimately depend on the overall network.

We will actively share the daily progress of the network toward the set milestone with the community on Discord. We thank you for your support and commitment. Special thanks go to all farmers who are also running archival nodes to assist their peers (learn how to run an archival node here Farming with the CLI | Subspace Labs Documentation)

Important - You might be on the wrong fork

(If your farmer node is currently at a 120k+ block height, you are running on the wrong fork. Please follow the steps outlined below.)


If you don’t join the main chain, you won’t be able to earn any rewards once they get turned on next week.

  1. Download the latest release
  1. Restart your node with the latest release

  2. If you see a message in your terminal/log that says “Node is running on non-canonical fork”, you need to wipe, purge, and reset your node using the latest release (instructions: Farming with the CLI | Subspace Labs Documentation )

We have observed instances where a new farmer node joining Gemini would get connected only to peers with zero blocks synced. Under that edge case, some nodes would start producing their version of the genesis block and continue building on that parallel, non-canonical chain by themselves. However, these forks don’t contain any history, and they won’t earn any rewards if they continue on that parallel fork.

For the latest block number on the main chain, check the explorer below. If you are successfully farming blocks, it is easy to check if you are on the main chain by entering your block hash in the explorer to see if there is a match. If not, then you are likely farming the wrong fork. Polkadot/Substrate Portal

Unfortunately, there is no soft fix to this problem other than upgrading your node since the affected nodes treat their chain as the longest chain, albeit containing only empty blocks. Once you upgrade your node to the latest release, you will be able to quickly tell if you are one of the affected nodes by looking at the messages in your terminal/logs like below.

Steps to follow

First of all, if you haven’t done it, please upgrade your node to the latest release by following the link below.

Once you restart your node with the new release, you will see the warning message below as double confirmation you are on the wrong fork. Then you will need to follow the steps to reset your node. (For Desktop users, you will need to go into your logs to check.)

[Node is running on non-canonical fork, full node and farmer reset is required]

Please follow the steps below to reset your node: Farming with the CLI | Subspace Labs Documentation

After the reset, you will be syncing from the genesis block again, but on the main chain this time. We totally understand that restarting the syncing process anew is not ideal.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.