If another node used QUIC

My node seems to have synced with another node. The information shows that it used the QUIC protocol and the UDP protocol. How did they achieve that?

2023-09-29 06:58:13 [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWPcsUwx3doGMbsLsoi5Ks8mVRkd1mGrZuUjfqWLdpPTks /ip4/    
2023-09-29 06:58:13 [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWPcsUwx3doGMbsLsoi5Ks8mVRkd1mGrZuUjfqWLdpPTks /ip4/    
2023-09-29 06:58:13 [Consensus] discovered: 12D3KooWPcsUwx3doGMbsLsoi5Ks8mVRkd1mGrZuUjfqWLdpPTks /ip4/

Both TCP and QUIC are technially suppored by nodes, but TCP is still used by default. I have not seen QUIC reported as discovered before though. Someone might have compiled custom version of the software where QUIC is used by default.

Here is someone compiling node with QUIC support: When using QUIC numerous `State mismatch` errors appear

Did they compile it after modifying the official code? Or does the official version already have a feature that allows the use of Quic?

Official version supports QUIC (experimentally) in a sense that it is able to communicate QUIC with others, but it will not initiate QUIC connections by default, software modifications are necessary for that.