Slow plotting speed

Issue Report

Slow plotting speed



  • **Operating System:W10
  • **CPU Architecture:Rocket Lake, intel 11700
  • **RAM:32 GB DDR4
  • **Storage:1 TB nvme
  • **Plot Size:100 GB
  • **Subspace Deployment Method:CLI


Slow plotting speed

Steps to reproduce

  1. Waiting
  2. Restart

Expected result

  1. No results, plotting speed does not increase
  2. No results, plotting speed does not increase

Thanks for the feedback @user37 we are still working on making various improvements to our plotting experience. For this version it may be better to try and use smaller plots.

you can wipe just the farmer and not the node by doing `./filename.exe wipe --farmer

then change your settings.toml file plot size to a bit smaller

on windows Your settings.toml will be found in $FOLDERID_RoamingAppData/subspace-cli/settings.toml

Understood. Thank you. In the meantime, I just installed virtual Linux, since the node works much better even in virtual space. The cli version for winwdows 10 is equally unstable on different computers - there are problems with creating a raft after synchronization and a sharp increase in RAM consumption.

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