Stake Wars MinStake Announcement

Stake Wars MinStake Set

With just one week left until we start Stake Wars properly by inviting operator registration, it is time for us to deliver an eagerly anticipated parameter of the competition.

We delayed the start of Phase 2 - Base Building by one week after assessing the state of the network. There are a number of challenges prospective operators are facing at the start of the Gemini 3g which we enumerated and talked on last week.

While some of those challenges persist, we have a wider schedule to maintain in our march to Mainnet Beta. This means that we will be keeping our Phase 2 start date of 2023-11-22.

Taking a look at how our farmers are doing with more and more plotting (and replotting!) being completed we have decided to set our MinStake for Stake Wars on Gemini 3g at 100TSSC.

This means that to participate as an operator you will need to join the Nova EVM domain by calling the registerOperator() extrinsic with a number of parameters which are:

Parameter Example Value Note
domain_id 1 This is the ID of the Nova domain we will be running Stake Wars on
amount 100+ Remember if you submit the transaction on you need to suffix your value with 18 zeroes
minimum_nominator_stake ? Entirely up to the operator. This is the minimum amount a nominator has to pledge to enter your nomination pool.
nomination_tax ?% How much you will take as tax from the rewards shared with nominators.
signing_key 0xHexAddress The signing key you have provided to your operator on the command line. Usually via a keystore.

Note that the higher the amount you stake, the higher your chance of being selected as a bundle producer is which, in turn means you will earn transaction fees which is the name of the game in Stake Wars! In addition, we are putting the final touches on our staking interface that takes the hassle of manually submitting the transactions required to participate.

We hope to see as many of our community as possible taking part so keep farming your stake and join us in a week when we launch Phase 2 on a community call!


Too few IMHO. We have dozens of terabytes, and barely crawled up to 3000 TSSC.

I disagree. If threshold increases It will become WhaleWars not StakeWars :slight_smile:


At the end it will be WhaleWars anyway. PoS is always WhaleWars…

And that is where subspace comes in. With this perspective, I see that Subspace team tries to lower the barrier of being an operator and invites even low amounts to participate and increase decentralization. This vision also applies with farmers too cuz you can even farm with 2G maybe you can not propose block but you can vote and earn rewards.

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MinStake = 100TSSC? Then why these guys have <100TSSC in stake?

You may notice the operator IDs are all very low. These are operators the team registered to test the domain before phase 2 started. They are excluded from Stake Wars.

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