Good afternoon, dear developers.
Now the StakeWars2 stage has started and I’m having some problems.
Ryzen 9 7950x/64gb DDR5/NVMe/Ubuntu 20.04-22.04/Internet line from 100 megabits to 800 megabits configurations are used everywhere
Question #1.
AutoID domain (domain 1).
Every now and then the logs start to look weird.
When logs turn into “normal” logs, there is a lack of synchronization, even after adding a boot node. Domain has no peers, node is not synchronized, height is specified as 0 in telemetry.
( ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/subspace-node run --chain gemini-3h --name 386sx-40 --base-path /root/subspace/subspace-node/ --blocks-pruning archive-canonical --state-pruning archive-canonical – --domain-id 0 --operator-id 89 --listen-on /ip4/0. --in-peers 200 --out-peers 200 ). Nominated coins from the wallet from which the operator was created ( st6dd7VxFUoPaC2kJb9MTttEUsJkzvMYPLBHpMBPLhX38MuF1v ). Nominated coins from the second wallet (st6gzmTVLW5SQdF81Vcw8m7me8338Ru6JZ5okwH8VW1KFUGef ). Today friends nominated from their wallets.
Bottom line: 80 TSSC are displayed, no information about nominators, balance has not changed since yesterday. What to do?
The Astral back-end is having some issues. Please remain patient while it catches up. You can check certain things on Subscan or PolkadotJS if you cannot wait,
2024-07-11T13:02:01.6023057 WARN Consensus: sync: Error importing block 0x84e1c52c3020dd512f93e18941b452d7fc8370cf2ba9d7ae4c8d382c9b2b3e59: consensus error: Inner block import error: Import failed: Error at calling runtime api: Execution failed: Execution aborted due to trap: host code panicked while being called by the runtime: Externalities not allowed to fail within runtime: “Trie lookup error: Database missing expected key: 0x548f57fc06ab47e8342d61159015e857133985f409b5762b865b06154566f31b”
WASM backtrace:
error while executing at wasm backtrace:
PS. The mistake was yesterday. I pulled the text from the screenshot
“The Astral back-end is having some issues. Please remain patient while it catches up. You can check certain things on Subscan or PolkadotJS if you cannot wait”
It is disconcerting that it is in astral that other operators have a different balance from the starting balance and they show the number of nominators. I don’t have it, although it’s been almost a long time.
This error happened on the consensus chain, when it tried to execute a submit_bundle extrinsic in the block, it looks like the node’s storage was corrupted. Does the node start from scratch (i.e. sync from the genesis block)? @user7
At first glance, yes, but
The node has 40 consensus peers and 0 domain peers. Synchronization does not proceed further. Doesn’t seem to be working properly(
This situation has been going on for more than 24 hours.
Many operators have been slashed by a bug in the protocol. If you are seeing something like Operator [x] is not registered on the Runtime. this is somewhat expected.