Subspace Network Ambassador Program

Subspace is a permissionless network created with the vision of our community governing and taking ownership of our ecosystem in the long term. For this to become a reality, the core contributors of the Subspace Network are working tirelessly to build a strong foundation for our community that will allow the ecosystem to thrive.

We strongly believe in building a widely distributed community with many self-organized clusters all over the world. Our Ambassador Program, for one, will help us accelerate the process of realizing a community-led ecosystem.

We have allocated 1% of the total token supply to the Ambassador program, making it one of the largest allocations across all major blockchain projects. Ambassador candidates who pass screening and the initial trial phase will qualify for a token grant commensurate with the seniority level in the program. You can find all the details about the program here.

By the end of 2023, we plan to onboard at least a few hundred ambassadors worldwide. While every member of our community plays a vital role in the network, the selection process for the Ambassador Program is very competitive and rigorous to ensure we set a high bar from the beginning.

We received over 1,600 applications in the past month, but will only be able to select around 30 new ambassador candidates (apprentices) at this time. Although the application deadline for the first cohort of ambassadors recently closed, there will be many more opportunities to apply for the Ambassador Program in the coming months and years.

In the meantime, there are many ways for you to start contributing and strengthening your qualifications. One of the biggest factors the committee looks at is a prior track record of genuine community involvement and contributions.

Subspace Ambassador Tiers

Lead Ambassador
The goal is to lead and manage an assigned group of ambassadors and assist with new cohort selection while working together with other Leads to form the distributed foundation that will progressively transition into the Subspace Community DAO. We usually seek experienced senior people across functional areas with a proven Web3 track record as the baseline for candidacy, though in rare occasions exceptions might be made for remarkable junior candidates.

  • Can only be nominated by other Lead Ambassadors and core contributors
  • Rigorous screening and trial process
  • Minimum 10 + hours per week commitment
  • Required to lead a group of ambassadors dedicated to a specific functional area (e.g., support, content, outreach, events) or an assigned region (e.g., China, USA, Russia, India)

General Ambassador
The goal is to help promote awareness and understanding, onboard and be a mentor to Apprentice Ambassadors, and support/educate the new community members of the Subspace Network.

  • Minimum 4 hours per week
  • Contribute to a function area (e.g., content, events) or region (e.g., China, Russia, North America)
  • Be present in Discord and Telegram (welcome new members and moderate)
  • Attend at least 2/3 of scheduled meetings

Criteria for the Ambassador Program
Ensuring a rigorous process to set a high bar from the beginning is imperative to reaching our vision

  • Duration of participation in community
  • Contribution to supporting the other members of the community
  • Prior experience in Web3 or other applicable areas
  • Existing network or community outreach capability
  • Technical skills

Aside from hard skills, each shortlisted candidate’s attitude and motivation level will be assessed by the evaluation committee comprising core contributors and ambassadors.

Make sure to check out the Subspace Network Ambassador Program details to learn more.


:clap: This is the best summarization of the ambassador program in a post, and I’m very much happy and proud to be a part of this program :heart_eyes:


Yes, the program is really well planned and very important for the maintenance and development of every member of the Subspace community :love_letter:

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It’s really cool when everything is so clear. Thanks. I will hope to pass the selection in order to be able to be as useful as possible!


Some mate! have more cool ideas :slight_smile:
good luck :+1: