I apologize for the mistake. I have reinstalled the node several times since then.
Now this is my .yaml
version: "3.7"
# For running on Aarch64 add `-aarch64` after `DATE`
image: ghcr.io/subspace/node:gemini-2a-2022-sep-10
# Instead of specifying volume (which will store data in `/var/lib/docker`), you can
# alternatively specify path to the directory where files will be stored, just make
# sure everyone is allowed to write there
- node-data:/var/subspace:rw
# - /path/to/subspace-node:/var/subspace:rw
# If port 30333 is already occupied by another Substrate-based node, replace all
# occurrences of `30333` in this file with another value
- ""
restart: unless-stopped
command: [
"--chain", "gemini-2a",
"--base-path", "/var/subspace",
"--execution", "wasm",
"--state-pruning", "archive",
"--port", "30333",
"--rpc-cors", "all",
"--rpc-methods", "safe",
# Replace `INSERT_YOUR_ID` with your node ID (will be shown in telemetry)
"--name", "DimonusSubs"
timeout: 5s
# If node setup takes longer then expected, you want to increase `interval` and `retries` number.
interval: 30s
retries: 5
condition: service_healthy
# For running on Aarch64 add `-aarch64` after `DATE`
image: ghcr.io/subspace/farmer:gemini-2a-2022-sep-10
# Instead of specifying volume (which will store data in `/var/lib/docker`), you can
# alternatively specify path to the directory where files will be stored, just make
# sure everyone is allowed to write there
- farmer-data:/var/subspace:rw
# - /path/to/subspace-farmer:/var/subspace:rw
# Un-comment following line to unlock farmer's RPC
# - ""
# If port 40333 is already occupied by something else, replace all
# occurrences of `40333` in this file with another value
- ""
restart: unless-stopped
command: [
"--base-path", "/var/subspace",
"--node-rpc-url", "ws://node:9944",
"--ws-server-listen-addr", "",
"--listen-on", "/ip4/",
# Replace `WALLET_ADDRESS` with your Polkadot.js wallet address
"--reward-address", "st7QL1JssTDqAHnbBsjT1xJvqyg3emojkK1tR4GPRrmHAH6Pt",
"--plot-size", "100G"
What does nslookup bootstrap-0.gemini-2a.subspace.network on your machine prints?
Looks like your DNS records are resolving to wrong servers, to the same one in fact, must be DNS configuration issue on your end.
Then I see no reason for the behavior you observe…
Try to use just one and see if it complains. For that add --bootnodes /dns/bootstrap-0.gemini-2a.subspace.network/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWFhLGQWC2Fbgu4HXhFy5Gpv9WKHb9Ve4FYEsMb221cfyo argument (in docker-compose.yml it’ll be "--bootnodes", "/dns/bootstrap-0.gemini-2a.subspace.network/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWFhLGQWC2Fbgu4HXhFy5Gpv9WKHb9Ve4FYEsMb221cfyo".
That is just the first of the bootnodes already configured by default, but should simplify debugging somewhat.
If that still doesn’t work, try replacing /dns/bootstrap-0.gemini-2a.subspace.network with /ip4/ If that doesn’t work then someone is intercepting and messing with your network connections.
Yeah, that is super weird, I think something is messing with your network connection. Like intercepting and modifying data sent over the network. I’m not sure how though. Maybe anti-virus software or something of that kind, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with Subspace node itself.
You can briefly try connecting via mobile hotspot to rule-out your provider (but don’t keep it like that, it’ll eat all your data) or try disabling anti-virus software temporarily if you have something custom installed.