The farm sometimes stops farming

Sometimes, the farm stops farming after running for a long time. The CPU usage drops to almost zero, and rewards cannot be obtained unless the farm is restarted. However, the software itself does not crash.

Is this in cluster setup or regular farmer?

regular farmer

However, the node and the farm are not on the same machine.

Do you have another farmer connected to the same node, if do both farmers stop farming or just one?

If you could pull metrics as text from farmer’s endpoint, that’d help as well. Also check disk I/O and you can check auditing_time’s counter in metrics to see if it even tries to audit.

Both farmers will stop farming, and all farms will stop simultaneously. I will try the other operations you mentioned.

I was asking about farmers, not farms. If other farmers are affected as well then it might be something on the node. In that case full node logs since its start that could help.