Welcome to the Official Subspace Network forums.
If you have not had the chance yet make sure to head over to and create an account! You can sign in with Google, Twitter, GitHub, & Discord if that is easier for you.
What should I Post?
In general this forum is a great tool to post any question you may have related to the Subspace Network, just try to categorize your post the best you can. (see posting standards further below)
- Errors with Farmer
- Issues creating a wallet
- Question about how x part of Subspace Network works
- Development questions
- Community questions
Posting Best Practices
All posts must follow the rules listed below, and it is highly suggested to follow posting best practices for optimal support/discussion regarding your topic.
Subspace Forum Rules
Best Practices
Depending on the type of post you are making there are different expectations regarding how you should think about and structure your post. Below are a few rough guidelines.
- Be human, personal, & honest
- Never forget there is a human on the other end of your conversation
- Make sure to respond to follow up questions if there is a need for more information
- Use clear & concise wording as much as possible
- Ensure to always follow the rules of the forum
- Once a solution is found, mark the post as
Support Posts
If you are posting for the strict intent of getting help with a support issue you will want to ensure you add all pertinent information so any support technicians can provide as much accurate information back to you as possible.
Support Template
Device: (eg. Laptop/Desktop/Server)
Hardware: (eg. Intel i5, 16GB Ram, 512GB SSD)
Operating System: (eg. Windows/macOS/Linux)
Product: (eg. Docker, CLI, Subspace Desktop)
Details: (eg. What you are trying to do, & the errors you are getting
Tried: (eg. What you have tried in attempt to resolve the issue)
*this is not an inclusive list, but rather an example of some helpful items to have, every support situation is different just try to provide everything you can.*
General Posts
If you are posting with a general question about how the Subspace Network works. For example you are curious how we know our Proof of Archival Storage is a secure consensus mechanism, etc. In general this category is pretty broad, if you aren’t sure where your question should go its likely in right here in this category.