Windows CLI node no output

Issue Report


  • Operating System: Windows
  • CPU Architecture: e.g. x86/x64, Mac M2
  • RAM: e.g. 16GiB
  • Storage: e.g. NVMe, SSD, HDD (7200), Hardware RAID 1
  • Plot Size: e.g. 100G, 10T
  • Subspace Deployment Method: Windows pre-built CLI


Steps to reproduce

  1. On Windows 10.
  2. Run subspace-node-windows-x86_64-gemini-2a-2022-sep-06.exe from official release with valid command line parameters.
  3. Observe an error.

Expected result

Node starts successfully

What happens instead

No output:


There have been two separate incidents of this. It could be environment related (possibly permissions).

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One user on Discord overcame this problem by installing the latest Visual C++ Redistributable package from Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Docs

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Thanks for your support. It worked for me after following the above link.


Two users now fixed - confirmed this is due to the missing dependency linked in the solution. This could possibly be related to the version of Windows being used (Pro vs Home for example).

I am adding the screenshot for the link i installed to run the node successfully.

I installed the third link mentioned in the screenshot highlighted with red arrow head.

yup. i am using WINDOWS 11 HOME.