Bug or i do something wrong?

does this mean this cannot farm? I use ubuntu gui to farm now

I use a contabo 6H12G 2.4TB vps by the way

It means your machine has too few cores to sustain both farming and plotting at the same time. Farming will start automatically once plotting is done. But I need to warn you that VPS, especially with shared CPU, might be too slow for Subspace. And storage has to be a real SSD, not HDD.

you the best use contabo nvme with VDS not VPS

for subspace the best choice is Hetzner , cheap, good network and powerful performance

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Dude thank you for your reply, i do want to buy vps in Hetzner, but i cannot register in this website

1 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :blush: :kissing_heart: :kissing_closed_eyes: :rofl:

Dude thank you for your reply, i do want to buy vps in Hetzner, but i cannot register in this website