Governance Team meeting minutes 2024 07 23

Minutes from July 23, 2024 governance team meeting held at 14:00 UTC in

Attendees: Jonathan, Ivan, Douceur, Wilyam

  1. Discussed first CRT complaint and results ; Subject of the complaint appealed, need more information from Fradique.
  2. Discussed the need for a How-to guide to initiate a complaint.
  3. Discussed how to enforce failure to participated. Douceur suggested we simply automate and automatically file the complaints. Ivan also suggested a script. Draft issue here: Automatically file complaints for Failure to Participate in Peer Review · Issue #8 · subspace-ambassadors/ambassador-os-peer-review · GitHub
  4. Discussed enforcement for Inadquate Contribution - can use the same mechanism.
  5. Discussed operations for the General Assembly - will continue to delegate operations (voting and results tabulation) to Sponsor.
  6. Discussed standing up the Agenda ad-hoc team. Jonathan will work with the other teams to get a delegate / representative for the Agenda team. We need 1 person per team, and they need to work our a way to curate the agenda.
  7. Regularly evaluate adherence to rights & obligations - we passed on this as it seems very vague and difficult; we may want to consider removing this expectation as too subjective.
  8. Reconfirmed decision made in April 2, 2024 that Apprentices that fail selection will be returned to the community - not stay as long-standing apprentices.
  9. Discussed ambassadors sending forms without a link - even though the field is required, some are submitting with no actual evidence. Agreed to open up scoring range from 0-5, where 0 indidcates the ambassador did not participate in the month.
  10. Discussed the ability to dispute scores prior to publication. Agreed that it is too much overhead and not worth it at this point.
  11. There was no update on legal agreements. Will follow-up with sponsor.