That is somewhat expected, as database get fuller and blocks get bigger (as farmers started to produce votes), it is expected that the sync speed will settle on a smaller number. We have done some performance improvements in Gemini 3e and will do more performance tuning as protocol is functionally complete.
@Jeremy_Frank something to look into I think
Yep, known issue, see Creating plotts error
Have seen reports of this too (see Node Synced, Farmer farming for multiple days, no rewards), I’ll look into doing more parallelism for larger plots + there will be still some protocol changes that’ll help with this, certainly useful feedback, thanks a lot!
I think we should be able to address most of these soon, we were focused on Gemini 3f with more protocol changes to finish it functionality-wise before performance tuning. It is great to see detailed feedback like this so we can see what to focus on next.