Dear farmers, early this week SubWallet added support for Subspace Gemini 2a Stress Test and got quite a few positive feedback—thank you all for your support!
We are now working on the Subspace single-chain mode to further improve your experience using Subspace with SubWallet Single-chain mode is dedicated to Subspace farmers, showing only Subspace-specific information with a specially designed interface. Here are the updates:
- Subspace Single-chain mode demo with initial supported features: See the demo here:
- Create new accounts and show Subspace single-chain mode (when you direct from Subspace website)
- Import Polkadot JS accounts
- Show balance of tokens farmed (Farmnet, Testnet, Gemini 1)
- All account mode: Manage and show your multiple accounts’ balance
- Upcoming features include:
- Show fiat value of SSC (USD) (At mainnet)
- Transfer funds
- Transaction history
- Credits earned, total space pledged, farmer status, latest block, actually online, best block
- NFT management features
- Your ideas…
Please take a look at the demo—any feedback and/or suggestions are highly appreciated! The official version will launch very soon
Happy weekend everyone!
Subspace: a single Source of Truth for the Multi-chain Future!
SubWallet: a single Wallet for the Multi-chain Future!
Let’s build the future together!