Subspace Wallet?

I want to create a wallet for subspace, what should I do?


Subspace Wallets

Subspace Network has a bit of a unique relationship to wallets. This is because we are a Substrate based protocol, meaning most Substrate wallets should work with Subspace. With that being said, we will only cover a few solutions in this guide.

:1st_place_medal: SubWallet

SubWallet is a Substrate based wallet being developed by the wonderful SubWallet Team. They have been working over the past few years to improve the substrate wallet experience. This is currently our recommended wallet.



  1. Go to the above link and add to your default browser. (Note: Chrome option will work on all Chromium based browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi, & Edge)

  2. Once extension is installed, Open it and click +, & Get Started

  3. The extension will give you up to four options. You will most likely want to select Create New Account

  4. When you create a new account you will see the following.

    SubWallet supports Substrate and EVM, so when a wallet is generated you will see the top option which is simply the substrate chain information, then a section labeled EVM which is evm wallet information. For subspace, we currently have no EVM integrations so you can disregard this portion.

  5. Check which accounts you would like to import, and check I have saved my mnemonic seed safely. and click Next

  6. Next we will create a password for our wallet. (Make sure not to reuse passwords!)

  7. Next Subwallet will ask you which networks you want to enable, Scroll down and select all of the Subspace Testnets including any other substrate based networks you may like to use in the future, click Confirm

  8. Congratulations you have fully created your substrate wallet with subwallet! If you would like to get your subspace public address, in the top right select the Dropdown which says Allow use on any chain and select the subspace network you would like to get the public address for.


This is the barebones wallet. This is because it is the barebones Substrate wallet that supports all Substrate based networks. This is an extension that works similarly to Metamask, or most other browser based wallets you’ve likely used in the past.

Link: Polkadot-js extension, manage accounts for substrate based chains


  1. Go to the above link and add to your default browser. (Note: Chrome option will work on all Chromium based browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi, & Edge)

  2. Once extension is installed, Open it and click +, & Create new account

  3. The extension will then show you your 12-work mnemonic seed, MAKE SURE YOU STORE THIS SECURELY, AND NEVER SHARE IT

  4. Once you seed is securely stored and saved, click the “I have saved my mnemonic seed safely” check box and click “Next Step”

  5. The next step will ask for a Name & Password for the wallet. then click “Add the account with the generated seed”

  6. Congratulations you have created a polkadot.js wallet!

Importing an Existing Seed

Some users may be provided an existing mnemonic seed phrase that may have been provided by Subspace-Desktop, if this is the case you will want to follow this portion of the guide.

  1. Go to the above link and add to your default browser. (Note: Chrome option will work on all Chromium based browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi, & Edge)

  2. Once extension is installed, Open it and click +, & Import account from pre-existing seed

  3. Type or Paste in your 12-Word mnemonic seed phrase & click “Next”

  4. The next step will ask for a Name & Password for the wallet. then click “Add the account with the supplied seed”


  • You can see your default substrate public address right below your Wallet name inside the extension
  • You can see your Subspace Testnet public address via the ... menu and setting the “Allow Use on Any Chain” dropdown to “Subspace Testnet”, once you exit you will see the public address now starts with st
  • You can backup/export your wallet via the ... menu in the extension

:3rd_place_medal: Subspace/Substrate Explorer

If you do not wish to add an extension to your browser you can also manually generate a wallet within the Subspace Explorer, this route is not preferred and is suggested to used a paper wallet if you follow this method.

Link: Polkadot/Substrate Portal

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But actually there is no anything like “Subspace testnet” in the dropdown menu. So, are wallets starting with “5” suitable for receiving Gemini-1 testnet rewards?

Refer to this post here: I do not see `Subspace Testnet` as an option on Polkadot.js - #2 by ImmaZoni