Substrate Service Error

2022-06-23 20:30:56 Subspace
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :v: version 0.1.0-3c3a48f865c
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :heart: by Subspace Labs, 2021-2022
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :clipboard: Chain specification: Subspace Gemini 1
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :label: Node name: TechchallengedSD2
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :bust_in_silhouette: Role: AUTHORITY
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :floppy_disk: Database: ParityDb at /root/.local/share/subspace-node/chains/subspace_gemini_1b/paritydb/full
2022-06-23 20:30:56 :chains: Native runtime: subspace-2 (subspace-0.tx0.au0)
2022-06-23 20:30:57 [PrimaryChain] Essential task txpool-background failed. Shutting down service.
2022-06-23 20:30:57 [PrimaryChain] Essential task transaction-pool-task-1 failed. Shutting down service.
2022-06-23 20:30:57 [PrimaryChain] Essential task transaction-pool-task-0 failed. Shutting down service.
Error: SubstrateService(Other(β€œFailed to build a full subspace node: Sub(Client(RuntimeApiError(Application(UnknownBlock("State already discarded for BlockId::Hash(0x3d1d7056a6a7201f2be6c6b31674eccca572178193eb67a59d17d79c636e9a9d)")))))”))

Hi, I have been running for the past few days without any problems before hitting this error. I am running the jun-13 node/farmer on Linux. Can someone tell me how to fix this?

What occurs if you update to the latest snapshot?

When I tried to run the latest version (June 18), I got the following error. Please advise on what to do. Thanks.

./subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-gemini-1b-2022-jun-18: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Answer sourced from - Farming with the CLI | Subspace Labs Documentation in the Linux section

There are two packages that are typically already installed, but might be missing on your machine.

If you see this error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Make sure to install ocl-icd-libopencl1 library with sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-libopencl1.

If you see this error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Make sure to install libgomp1 library with sudo apt-get install libgomp1.

I did get through installing the missing file but now I have the following error; I believe this is the same error I got in the beginning.

./subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-gemini-1b-2022-jun-18 --chain gemini-1 --execution wasm --pruning 1024 --keep-blocks 1024 --validator --name TechchallengedSD2
2022-06-25 04:14:28 Subspace
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :v: version 0.1.0-de3dfb1c8ad
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :heart: by Subspace Labs, 2021-2022
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :clipboard: Chain specification: Subspace Gemini 1
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :label: Node name: TechchallengedSD2
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :bust_in_silhouette: Role: AUTHORITY
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :floppy_disk: Database: ParityDb at /root/.local/share/subspace-node/chains/subspace_gemini_1b/paritydb/full
2022-06-25 04:14:28 :chains: Native runtime: subspace-3 (subspace-0.tx0.au0)
Error: SubstrateService(Other(β€œFailed to build a full subspace node: Sub(Client(RuntimeApiError(Application(UnknownBlock("State already discarded for BlockId::Hash(0x3d1d7056a6a7201f2be6c6b31674eccca572178193eb67a59d17d79c636e9a9d)")))))”))

Check the comment marked as solution on this forum post, let me know if that fix does not work Error: SubstrateService(Other("Failed to build a full subspace node: IO Error")) - #4 by nazar-pc