Understanding Stake Wars: Farmers, Operators, and Nominators

Hello everyone,

If you’ve been intrigued by the buzz around Stake Wars but find yourself puzzled by terms like “Farmers,” “Operators,” and “Nominators,” you’re in the right place. This topic aims to demystify these roles and the overall structure of Stake Wars, breaking down its complexities into digestible information. Whether you’re a newcomer to the Subspace network or a seasoned participant looking for a refresher, this guide is for you.

Roles in the Subspace Network

  1. Farmers:
  • Responsibilities: Farmers pledge storage space to the network. This space is used to build a “plot,” which serves two main functions:
    1. Storing data.
    2. Solving puzzles based on the stored data.
  • Importance: The act of solving puzzles proves that the farmer is actually storing data, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the network. This is also how the Subspace protocol reaches consensus among participants.
  1. Operators:
  • Responsibilities: Operators run a Subspace node, similar to farmers, but their nodes are configured differently. They are responsible for executing transactions submitted by users.
  • Staking: They stake “slashable Subspace credits” to provide a form of security to the network. If they act maliciously, they risk losing a portion of these staked credits.
  • Earnings: The more they stake, the higher the likelihood of being chosen to execute transactions, and thus earning transaction fees.
  1. Nominators:
  • Role: These are token holders who choose an operator and stake their tokens with them.
  • Impact: By doing so, they increase the operator’s total stake, which in turn increases the operator’s chances of being chosen to execute transactions.
  • Earnings: Nominators earn a portion of the transaction fees that their chosen operator collects.


  • What Are They?: Domains are like specialized environments within the Subspace network where transactions are executed.
  • How They Work: Farmers provide a common consensus that decides the sequence of transactions. Operators then execute these transactions within the domains.
  • Flexibility: Domains are modular and scalable. You can even create your own runtime to customize a domain to your specific needs.

Stake Wars

  • Objective: The goal is to test all the components of the Subspace network, including staking and transaction execution.
  • Phases: It consists of multiple phases, each with specific goals and tasks for farmers, operators, and nominators.
  • Rewards: A total of 0.6% of the token supply is allocated for rewards, divided among different phases and roles.

Additional Points

  • Transparency: The team expects challenges and issues but asks the community to judge them based on their response to these issues.
  • Community Engagement: There are dedicated channels for operators and nominators to discuss, support, and even campaign to attract more stakes.

I hope this provides a more detailed understanding of the Stake Wars on the Subspace network.