Must all ambassadors run a node?

Hello Ambassadors

In April, a survey gathered opinions on whether all ambassadors should manage a farmer on the Network, as outlined in Article 2, Section 6, Paragraph E of the Program’s Bylaws. The survey offered several options:

Strike - remove the requirement.
Keep - maintain the requirement.
Amend - make managing a farmer mandatory for Support & Engineering Team members, but optional for others.
Object - call for further discussion or alternative proposals.
Abstain - no preference, allowing others to decide.

Participants showed notable percentages: 10% objected, 35% suggested amendments, and 17% supported striking the requirement. These mixed responses created difficulty in identifying a clear majority preference.

As a result, the same poll occurred again with only two options:

Strike - remove the requirement.
Keep - maintain the requirement.

The result:

Please feel free express your thoughts on this topic and on the poll results specifically.

With Thanks,


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